Government Affairs
New Jersey Realtors® has your back.
When it comes to protecting private property rights and the real estate industry, NJ Realtors® is the organization of choice. As the voice for real estate in New Jersey, we are strong advocates for public policy that encourages residential and commercial property ownership to support communities. Whether it’s a local, state, or federal issue, if it involves the real estate industry, NJ Realtors® is fighting to protect the real estate industry and the rights of private property owners.
We work with local boards and associations in conjunction with municipalities to ensure smooth transactions for your business—start to finish.
There's a reason we're headquartered in Trenton—we believe in the power of proximity and we work hard at developing and maintaining relationships.
Our partners at the National Association of REALTORS® have our backs like we've got yours—if it's federal, we'll work with them to craft a plan for success.
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." Margaret Wheatley
How We Do It
Our team is always working on developing, communicating, and maintaining relationships with key figures—here are some of the ways we're able to do that.
RPAC and Government Affairs have worked to help real estate run as smoothly as possible during the pandemic.
Successfully advocated for legislation signed by the governor allowing remote notarial acts during a Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency.
Essential Work
Received clarification from the governor’s office allowing real estate transactions and open houses to continue.
Time-of-Sale Requirements
New Jersey Realtors® continued to raise concerns with time-of-sale requirements that would make it more expensive and time-consuming to purchase a home.
Government Affairs